Wednesday, May 2, 2012

In a challenged world, where they turn the children into body hunters ...

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Bandit Wine and Over-Eating

Greetings from the suburbs... There are benefits to staying out here after all, it seems. The proximity the the Taco Bell is definitely the most significant perk... however the quiet time, and seriously better internet access are also great. I am at my folks house for the week, doing whatever menial tasks they can come up with for me, therefore, why not stay out here all week and eat their food and drink their beer??? I cant really think of a reason not to! I mean like any twenty something who lives in the city... I can only take so much of this suburban excitement before i want to tear my hair out, or someone else's. But when Mom says to me "hey, why don't we go to Taco Bell." I am not about to say no! So we trekked out to the booming metropolis of Powhatan, VA, which happens to house the nearest T.B. and I proceeded to order 2 box meals and a chicken soft taco.... Now in a completely lethargic state, I find myself unable to sleep!! So naturally I am sitting here, drinking the Miler Lite I convinced my mom to buy me earlier in the day, aimlessly browsing the web, and looking at the stupid ass pictures i took with my phone. 
Has anyone seen these really big juice-box wine situations called Bandit Wine? I think I need to try it, as it is clearly made just for me and my crew! Super portable, perfect for a day on the river, and full size, so more bang for the buck!! I need to know if they are good at all, not that anyone else's opinion will stop me from buying them.

As a matter of fact, I think I will pick some up for the upcoming bonfire I will be attending. Just to see!! What a way to celebrate my return to the city!!
Don't forget to read your Taco Bell Border Sauce packets next time you go... you may get some sound advice, or a stalker-ish message from it.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Take Care of Yourselves!!

I am going to show everyone your fat ugly wife so everyone can see how much better I am!! I am rocking the shit. Neptune is crossing into Pisces... I don't know anything about that really, but I know its supposed to be a good thing. Feel the air, its better now!! I had a date, job opportunities and another chance to free myself of some seriously negative vibes!! OK, maybe its not totally accurate to call whatever a date, but it was fun, and homeboy was cute and I would definitely do it again! Look, that's not the point of this at all! Just want everyone to really take care of themselves. Get your pets spayed and neutered, and make sure you get yourselves tested too if you been out runnin around!!!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Bandit Home, Only by Train!

The James River offers the RVA so much to do and see. There are parks and trails and beaches everywhere, and each spot has something unique and special. We explore as much of it as possible, and try to maximize the leisure potential of each location we come across. 60+ degree, sunny days in January make it especially easy to get away for the day on the James. A spot we have recently come to love is along the North Bank Trail, between Texas Beach and Belle Isle. This weekend, we packed our coolers, and hit the road. Parking at Texas Ave, we took the pedestrian bridge over the tracks, and crawled through the fence and hopped a passing train. Grabbing onto the steps of a passing train made the hike so much quicker and easier!

Upon arrival at the Hobo Headquarters, we gathered some wood, and a few coal stones from the aforementioned train, and started a nice fire. It was still a little chilly out, so it was just the heat we needed to be absolutely comfortable. One of the bandits managed to whittle a fish hook, and gather the needed supplies for fishing. This came to nothing, as we really had no need to fish! We explored and respectively tagged the abandoned, but not abandoned tunnels, and set up camp on the sandy beach overlooking the more touristy western shore of Belle Isle. 
Cracking into our cans, and getting into relax mode, we played with the dog, sat by the fire, and basked in the views. This could be one of the longest bits of time I have spent on the river outside of summer time, as well as the most productive.
As the sun began to set, we packed up, cleaned up (because littering the river is super not cool), and hit the tracks again. Another Bandit adventure down, countless more to come.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Colors and Crawlspaces

You can hide from the world in a lot of places. Some hide in their homes, like a recluse. Some people hide in their careers, and build a world they like for themselves. Other people hide in their characters, and make a world of their own, for the world, or themselves to see. I hide where ever I am. Today I was in a crawl space. I ended up in the dark, damp, muddy space by chance. I stayed for a while because I liked it. I liked the chance to get away. To imagine what would happen next, or what could be for me. I have been looking for a chance to start over for a while, and my have found it in a crawlspace!
Whats not to be learned from this scene? I never would have imagined being here this morning. I NEVER would have imagined choosing to stay longer than necessary! The strangest thing hit me while I was down there. It was silent, dark, and alone. I am a person who can not stand to be alone. I need to be around friends, and people in general. I used to hide in a crowd. I loved the anonymity I found in a group. But lately that has not worked for me. I still haven't gotten back on the right track, and in the darkness and silence, I was forced to think about my situations. I was forced to plan my way out. Not only out of the crawlspace, but out of this life. To find my way into the life I need!! I can not tell you that I have found it yet, but I have found a new approach to that place! 

I have found a way to change my skin, and change my colors! That is my real hand, with real labor all over them. And I will use them to build my new life, and get where I need to be!!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

rise and grind

Good morning
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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Shadow Fish, Job Search, and Power Tools.

Is anyone bored with sobriety? Drinking is a blast... but NOTHING beats a bake sesh! You see I have been on this old job search for some time now... and it is far from working. Not only have I cleaned up, in order to pass a drug test, but I still don't have a job! I mean, its whatever anyways, cause its not like I wont get one, I just feel I need to re-evaluate my career path. I mean I just went from all professional middle management, to business owner, to doing whatever I can to make a few bucks for rent. So I am not concerned with what sort of job I land or don't land, at this point I will do anything. I am now just left with the main problem of having so much free time, and nothing more to do with it! I don't even write anymore, because I came up with my best stuff when my face was baked off!! I wont lie, I see nothing wrong with not getting high, and I am sure it works for a lot of people, I just don't think its a good look for me when I have nothing else to do! If you have some suggestions I would love to hear or read them, because I am to the point where i am about to say screw the job search, jobs are for losers anyways! And get twacked out of my mind!! Does anyone know of a way for me to make enough money to pay my cheap ass rent, eat, and get a few decent blunts, and not really have to do anything? All ears here! Forgive my addict apparent babbling, I just thought I would be in good company on the internet... isn't it where stoners go to be entertained? I have nothing wrong with beer and liquor, they are great! I don't like the feeling the next day, but its cool, but alcohol just doesn't crank my brain gears!! Sorry this is all i could squeeze out, it seems there's been a bit of a drought.

Diggin Up Worms

Its amazing to think about the food we eat! I have no intentions of getting into some conversation here, only saying, I was sorting through the photos on my phone trying to free up some space on my third memory card for it... and i noticed SO MUCH FOOD! I am definitely not going hungry! Of course there was that phase when I was getting high all the time, so there were some really strange concoctions in that time period of my cell soul. 
Such items as:
Sparks and cheese crackers topped with chocolates!
Or homemade garden pickle and cheese quesadilla with jalapeno jelly and ranch worcestershire sauce, for dipping.

Those are, of course, items I made myself. I have, however, been known to make more respectable meals too!
Like a lovely shrimp cocktail!
Cheese Burgers!!

I must mention my adventures at restaurants around the country as well... all of this has served as a reminder, that even in these trying times... this bitch is not going hungry!!

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Sunday, January 8, 2012

How the River Bandits Get By On The Weekends

Whats to do around here on a cold... not so cold... effin nice winter day? Bandits hit the rocks... the river rocks. vacant old buildings provide a stage for bonfires, and photo shoots. Grape blunt roaches and portable margaritas provide fuel for adventures. Railroad tracks and abandoned tunnels tell stories of bandits before, and the adventures, and mis-adventures they encountered along the way.