Thursday, August 25, 2011

Long Ass Walk on A Rainy Night

Titus and I needed a walk tonight, so right when it seemed the rain was calming down, we set out, to explore the city for a little bit. We started out at our house, downtown, near 3rd street. Normally I would walk towards Belvidere, or towards the River, but felt it more appropriate to take a different route tonight. down Broad towards the bottom. all-in-all we walked about 50 blocks or more, all the way to 23rd St in a not so direct line. We saw some old friends smoking outside of a bar, and ran into another friend walking his dogs around 22nd. We took in all the sights and sounds of the city, post earthquake, pre-hurricane, and during a rain storm winding down. 

While I was walking around the bottom I began thinking about the last big tropical storm we had here, and how the entire place was submerged in flood waters, and then an eerie feeling crept over, thinking that in a matter of days, we could be facing the same thing!

Hopefully we will weather this storm without too many complications, or damages. But even if it gets ugly, this  fuckin city will take it like a pro! We always come back stronger!! Either way, we will keep walking and rummaging, and exploring this city, for all its worth!

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