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Friday, September 30, 2011
What in the World is Going On in AmptHill?!
I have a keen eye for noticing the little things I see when I stumble around town. I feel like I can normally make sense of most of it too. However, this is one part of town that I will never understand. WTF is going on here? This is a 3 block walk from my office to Burger King.... I will let the snaps tell the story!!!
Actually this either all makes PERFECT sense... or ABSOLUTELY NONE!!
It was Jefferson Davis! In The Garden, With the kitchen Knife!!!
In the Street of of Wind...
No typo... OF OF!! It is not anything I expect everyone, or anyone to get.... But those who do, may appreciate the statement. Its not running away. it moving forward... and most of the time that sucks. Like every other part of growing up, and being an adult!! Well, when you are loaded, and amaze-balls like me, then being a grownup rocks socks, but, still there are certain responsible actions that need to be taken... and there is no way around their suck factor. The Street of of Wind, did in fact devour me.... ALL THE WAY TO MY BIRTHMARK! It is hard to leave, but if you stay too long, you'll be eaten alive, and only dust will remain to be blown away! Time to make moves, I hit up the south side... One more before I go and here is what I see.
Tumbling down the hill on Cary, you are reminded of the plight of the nation, our city holds strong... but no one can escape the realities of the rest of the mother land.Survival is what Richmond bleeds on everyone else!
The financial institutions, who have pillaged every tribe in every township are the only gleaming building, who can still afford window washers, and automatic irrigation systems on their terraces. They loom over us like big brother... and remind us every day that THEY are really in charge... no government, no order, no unity... just banks!
Lets not forget the attorneys who protect them!!
But I do not have a grim outlook! I am bright and full of cheer! Because I have learned one of life's best kept, most widely known secrets... Ignorance IS bliss! continue your day today and everyday as if you are the only one that matters... The minute you stop... you will be thrown, hit, re-ran and smeared on the pavement by that bus you were just about to board!
More importantly... NEVER EVER ignore the small, discrete words, and clues all around you at any given time... THEY ARE MESSAGES!! They are "the voices in your head" They will tell you what to do!! GET A JOB! go to work... make money. Don't fall for the lie, it does make life better!!!
Tumbling down the hill on Cary, you are reminded of the plight of the nation, our city holds strong... but no one can escape the realities of the rest of the mother land.Survival is what Richmond bleeds on everyone else!
The financial institutions, who have pillaged every tribe in every township are the only gleaming building, who can still afford window washers, and automatic irrigation systems on their terraces. They loom over us like big brother... and remind us every day that THEY are really in charge... no government, no order, no unity... just banks!
Lets not forget the attorneys who protect them!!
But I do not have a grim outlook! I am bright and full of cheer! Because I have learned one of life's best kept, most widely known secrets... Ignorance IS bliss! continue your day today and everyday as if you are the only one that matters... The minute you stop... you will be thrown, hit, re-ran and smeared on the pavement by that bus you were just about to board!
More importantly... NEVER EVER ignore the small, discrete words, and clues all around you at any given time... THEY ARE MESSAGES!! They are "the voices in your head" They will tell you what to do!! GET A JOB! go to work... make money. Don't fall for the lie, it does make life better!!!
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Corporate Sell Out, and The Lower 4th
My goodness shit has been BUSY!! Finally taking the dive, working for myself, taking the bus, striking big deals, making that dolla! WHO HAS THE TIME?! I am making it work in big ways though, and its about to get BIG! I finally had the chance, thanks to a new friend, who dragged me out of the house and got me back on my streets, to do some wandering around! Starbucks in hand, I arrived at my humble abode, nearing the last time I will arrive there, I hit the parking deck with the dog and the roommate, and got my spark back after having felt empty for a little while! Miraculously, I stumbled across this little message on my walk to the house from the bus stop. And that's how it started!
While on the Lower 4th Level, I was able to catch views of the neighborhood I had not seen before.
Anyone in Richmond, has noticed that this metropolis is more of a ghost town... especially after business hours, and everywhere you look, if you look enough, you will see reminders of the promise of a good life. If you sell yourself to corporate America, as I have, you will be met with luxury, and security.
Until it all ends!!
Fortunately for me, I find peace and comfort in riverside sunsets, graffiti, and skyline views!! Love it or hate it, thrive or die, Richmond is MY CITY, and I want to be no where else!!
river city,
Friday, September 23, 2011
Stray? Drifting?
Seems lately I have gone a bit off of my normal path here. Whatever I still have shit to show and say! This rain sucks a lot, and I don't like it, but I will accept that it brings awesome fall fun.That's good enough for me. It seems like just yesterday I was frolicking around the great Commonwealth of Virginia, avoiding work, and life. Random little lunch trips to distant cities and dodging responsibilities all comes to a crashing hault last night, when lounging in my pajama's watching Working Girl.... So today marked the beginning of a newer, sleeker, greener lifestyle for me!
Back to the bus this morning, After running- literally, to avoid being drenched in the rain from bank to bank trying to deal with the required hum drum of grown up life. Then I boarded for WORK in the wasteland that is Ampt Hill- aka the dumping grounds of Richmond.
The best part about riding the bus to work, and its actually growing on me, Is that its a relaxed ass thing to do! Look at how lounged I get!!
It basically perfect for me, its 30 minutes when i can sit back, read, listen to music, or whatever, and enjoy the sights of the city!!
Back to the bus this morning, After running- literally, to avoid being drenched in the rain from bank to bank trying to deal with the required hum drum of grown up life. Then I boarded for WORK in the wasteland that is Ampt Hill- aka the dumping grounds of Richmond.
The best part about riding the bus to work, and its actually growing on me, Is that its a relaxed ass thing to do! Look at how lounged I get!!
It basically perfect for me, its 30 minutes when i can sit back, read, listen to music, or whatever, and enjoy the sights of the city!!
But the best part of it all... NO MORE TRAFFIC FOR ME TO DEAL WITH!!
river city,
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Remember Homies?!
As I drive over the Lee bridge this morning, venturing the long way to the south side to scoop my mom so we can run to Farmville really fast... cause we do that! I suddenly get hit by a wave of hang over, and think about burritos. This sends my wavering mind on a wild tangent of thoughts, smells and tastes of Nates Taco Truck Stop, which to the surprise of my roommate and I, is just blocks from the house! Truthfully, I was en route to some jamaican joint down the way, but was slapped in the face by the dripping hot scent of taco meat. Stopping me dead in my tracks! It was during the wait for my chorizo burritos that I saw,possibly, the most exciting thing I have EVER seen in my life.... am assorted, interactive, display of homies! I squealed with delight, I had been picking these little guys up at vending machines from Atlanta to Dallas, only to lose them all to a tragic luggage accident! Thanks a lot US Airways.

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river city,
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
go green, take the bus

This morning I woke feeling a bit down trodden, business is off to a painfully slow start. I laid around the house most of the morning sending out hundreds of self whoring emails and phone calls to drum up a little more work. It occurred to me that I was gifted a bus pass at one point, so I said I don't feel like driving, lets figure out the richmond transit situation. Well to start off, its grim at best. The bus is slow, and surprisingly crowded in the morning, but I was able to make a friend at my stop. The main topic me our first ever bus stop date conversation was, me course, centered on the tardiness of the bus. From there we discussed important life issues like the expensive ass apartments being built in the old John marshall hotel building, and who would end up living there. How much I just paid for a quart of milk, the one time I had a craving for some, which will most likely be completely gone by the time I get home to my chocolate chip cookies. And by the time the bus arrived we had gotten to know each and every current frustration go each others lives, without ever getting each others names!
The return trip, which I made very soon after arriving to the office, was nice, the windows were open, and there were much less people on it. I currently have the whole back row of seats to myself.
Allowing me to really get comfortable.
The trip was what I imagine would be normal, just jerking and jolting start and stopping. Winding through Ampt hill and manchester, finally over the manchester bridge and into downtown, where final stop, and I flee to the discretion of the street of of wind.

Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.4
river city,
Thursday, September 15, 2011
killer office supplies
Why are they staring at me like that? Its like they are stalking me! Waiting for me to slip, or turn my back! Never trust a dusty stapler
Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.4
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Monday, September 12, 2011
Rivers, Puppies, and Bike Rides
This weekend was the ultimate in relaxation for me. I intended to get much more sleep than I did, but still I didn't go crazy, and managed to be quite productive! My goal was to not even leave the house, which proved itself an impossible task, as the sun was so bright, and the heat was just right! I managed to hop on the beach cruiser, and wander around VCU, and ultimately ending at Belle Isle. sure to soak up as much sun as possible before slipping into the pale slumber of fall and winter in the River City. I should start from Friday really, cause it began as usual, mojitos and a gay bar, then jetting off to the Hat Factory in order to meet up with someone I stress over ALL THE TIME, cause I spend all day dreaming of living happily ever after and some shit! Whatevs, I get the word to meet up, IM THERE! Quickly into the weekend, my wrists were already full of colorful paper strips claiming my age to drink, leaving no room for any more for the remainder of the weekend!
Cruising up and down the streets after a nice bake off, listening to my Florence and the Machine station on Pandora, I was absolutely worry free! Especially when I finally got to my rock! I had my book, my music, and my towel, and started roasting in the sun!
Somehow, we managed to pickup a puppy, with full intentions of finding a nice home for him! As I was falling madly in love with him, I was fortunate enough to find a great home for him in the neighborhood, allowing me the ultimate convenience of seeing the puppy in his cute cuddly times, and not having to run around cleaning shit, and other puppy messes!!
Back to the bikes, and the river!! RELAXXXXX!!!!!! So nice!!
And really, what better way to wrap up a September weekend, than a trip to the Midlothian to catch up with old friends at the trust Sports page for football and wings!!!
I was not lying about the good weekend part!! But im back in the city, and ready to get the thang done!!
river city,
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
When you are on a frantic flee from attacking pool drains and and other scary Richmond shit, the last thing you want to happen into is a creepy alley with FACES EVERYWHERE!!
When you are on a frantic flee from attacking pool drains and and other scary Richmond shit, the last thing you want to happen into is a creepy alley with FACES EVERYWHERE!!
But alas, I saw a happy hungry hippo, and said to myself, "this must be a magical place where happy dreams come true!" I was not correct... but soon learned that the only danger was the smell of molten garbage, and back-wash, and cigarette filled PBR cans. Much like any other alley or corner in this town really! Accustomed to these conditions by now, I stopped to have a look around, and see what I could take from this place.
The adventure always continues to other venues, such as Lombardy street, where all the VCU kids run awry. But thats no problem at all, cause that is my shit!
It just gets a little awkward when there are faces staring at you EVERYWHERE YOU GO!!
river city,
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