This morning I woke feeling a bit down trodden, business is off to a painfully slow start. I laid around the house most of the morning sending out hundreds of self whoring emails and phone calls to drum up a little more work. It occurred to me that I was gifted a bus pass at one point, so I said I don't feel like driving, lets figure out the richmond transit situation. Well to start off, its grim at best. The bus is slow, and surprisingly crowded in the morning, but I was able to make a friend at my stop. The main topic me our first ever bus stop date conversation was, me course, centered on the tardiness of the bus. From there we discussed important life issues like the expensive ass apartments being built in the old John marshall hotel building, and who would end up living there. How much I just paid for a quart of milk, the one time I had a craving for some, which will most likely be completely gone by the time I get home to my chocolate chip cookies. And by the time the bus arrived we had gotten to know each and every current frustration go each others lives, without ever getting each others names!
The return trip, which I made very soon after arriving to the office, was nice, the windows were open, and there were much less people on it. I currently have the whole back row of seats to myself.
Allowing me to really get comfortable.
The trip was what I imagine would be normal, just jerking and jolting start and stopping. Winding through Ampt hill and manchester, finally over the manchester bridge and into downtown, where final stop, and I flee to the discretion of the street of of wind.

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