I just cant believe it, I got home on Friday noght, I had made super last minute plans with Terri to go down to the beach for the evening and hop back up in the morning. Unfortunately I got home too late for the trip to even be worthwhile, so she went along without me. All of that is good because I totally forgot that Heather and Zach were moving this weekend anyways. They had lived in the building beside mine, and were relocating ALL THE WAY across the street! so when I pulled my car into the parking stall, they were all standing around a tightly packed minivan on a dark, super cold night. So I hopped into the van, and we rode over to the new building, and quickly got everything into it. At the point the owner of the van needed to go home to a nearby neighborhood, and Zack had to drive him there. I followed in my car, so as to return Zack to the apartments before Heather got home from the airport. On the way we decided we should really pick up some beer, naturally I'm thinking, since there are 2 7-11's within a 3 block range, thats where we would go. I could pickup a scratch ticket, as lately I have been quite lucky with those, and thin swing through the McDonalds drive through and get a McRib. This of course is not how it went down, because that just would have been too wonderful right? we go to the Uppy's station, which I have never really been a fan of anyways, and thats where we go our beer, I figured "May as well still get my Scratcher, even though I know I wont win, this is not my lucky 7-11"
Get my scratcher, take a penny out of the take-a-penny tray, only to have the clerk bantering about how she could just scan the ticket to see if its a winner, Whats that about? why cant i just scratch my damn ticket?? Naturally I was not a winner, but I would not let that get me down, I STILL wanted my McRib!! Feeling like I had been cursed with bad luck, I figured that deliscious barbecue goodness could do no wrong....... WRONG!!! I got it, and it was probably the best ever, the fries were super hot, and crispy, just the right amount of salt. The sandwich looked like the picture, and I just couldnt wait, I was as gitty as a school girl, and started tearing into the bag. Zack is in the passenger seat reminding me of the curb that aparently i was driving on, Just in time to hear a thud, a hiss, and a beeping on my dashboard, warning me of low air pressure. I BUSTED MY FUCKIN TIRE!! at McDonalds of all places. Thank God Zack was so more-than-willing to take charge, and changed out the spae. I was astonished to find out that my car, which is nothing cheap, to say the least, came with a fuckin DOUGHNUT!! no full sized spare? I felt to ignorant for not realizing this bfore! So now I am riding around on a doughnut, until this week when I have some time to get it in to get a new tire.
On to Saturday, I woke up bright and early, to meet up with Heather, and head on over to my parents house, so we could borrow the Dodge Ram, and move the larger furniture over to the new apartment. Zack joined us a bit later, and was really not feeling so hot. We went on to the complex, and got to work, when Zack became so ill, he was basically bed ridden, leaving Heather and I to do the heavy lifting! As the day progressed into the night, EVERYONE started feeling a bit shaky in the tummy. This promted a trip to Wal-Greens for a bottel of nausea medicine, some Pepto pills, and some immodium. When I got back to the apartment I administered the meds to the bed riddin kids ans ran home to pray that I wouldnt be getting the same crap as them!! OMFG what a weekend!!