Well I just haven't really known how to address this particular evening on the town. But I can't not address! It was Saturday, February 14th, V-Day! Aimee, Jessica, and I decided, since we hadnt been to the city in so long, that we should hit up
McCormacks. We arrived at our destination sometime around 11 p.m. and imediately started slamming hard liquor drinks. I told Mac about how I was laid off, and he suggested that I drink Long Beach Iced Tea's. Holy Jesus they really were effective!! It didnt take long before I realised I would not be very useful driving home! Anyways, moving right along. Danielle and her friend Emily were celebrating their birthdays and swung by Mac's for a few drinks too. I was sort of reluctant to hanging out with them, seeing as the last time we "ran into them" they slapped ALL of their drinks on MY TAB!! having just lost my job, I could not have that now. So Emily rushes right up to me and tells me "A dog bit my face!" I must have seemed like such an asshole because I just stared her down for a very icy moment. What do you say to that?! HELLO...!! we got to drinking, and the bar finally closed. I had never allowed myself to get so drunk in the city before, and it was a totally new experience for me. Plans were made between Jessica and Danielle, for all of us to meet up at Danielle's apartment, which is just down the road from mine. Sometime around 3 a.m. we get back to the suburbs, and I RAN across the green and up the stairs into Danielle's apartment, I was in a hurry to pass out! I knew the only real purpose in going there was so massive amount of coke could be consumed, and I really wanted NOTHING to do with that stupid ass shit. I had just made myself comfortable enough to die. and Jessica starts blowing up my cell phone, Aimee had faceplanted on the sidewalk, and Jessica needed help! We managed to steer a VERY intoxicated Aimee into the apartment, and really thats all I remember until I woke up the next morning, somehow in my own bed.
A follow up, Aimmee went to see her doctor, and due to her fall, she had a contusion, and water on her knee!!

Mac owner and most excelent bartender: McCormacks

Jessica and Danielle
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