In typical fashion, the night progressed to take a more energetic tone. We arrived at the Shrader Lanes Bowling Alley, I must say, I hadn't been bowling in a long time, and I was expecting a smoky, trashy bowling joint, Not the case. Shrader Lanes is actually quite a nice place. We had a huge group by the time Nicole's party and the other group joined. and we quickly donned our shoes and balls, and got to work!
Pitchers, shots, and lots and lots of bowling. What a blast!!
Still, it doesnt end there! The ended at 1 a.m. not long after Nicole and Terri danced around to "Thriller" the Michael Jackson classic
Once again, in typical fashion, the night once again moved on. This time to Nicole and Kevin's house. Nicole, was passed out, but that didn't stop us from a good time. More drinks, and some various conversations, Steve serving Red Bull and Vodka, and eventually Steve and Kevin on the floor in a good ole fashioned Jujitsu match. I couldn't tell if it was more like watching UFC, or a mildly homo-erotic bonding ritual.
No matter your interpretation of how it all went down, how drunk you may have been, or to the fact that we were all up till at least 8 AM, there is no doubt that it was another truly sensational evening.
On a side note, who actually talks to the person at the urinal next to them in the mens room? I didnt think so!!!
Yeah well you don't speak to the dude next to you at the urinals and you don't ask straight people and gay people who and why they fuck. You don't talk about robbing banks, you don't talk about pubic hair, you don't talk about chivalry, you don't talk about women needing to stay home to raise the children, you don't talk about women who are independant being sluts and you certainly don't ask repeatedly if you wish you had a vagina. nuff said.
ohohoh!! there aren't even words for all that!! some people love the fact that their ignorance makes them seem so innocent. or so they think!! but what am I saying this to you for? you shouldn't even be obline in the first place. there are meals to be prepared for a man some where! babies to be made, and houses to be kept of by you woman! and you should want that really!
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