Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Corporate Sell Out, and The Lower 4th

My goodness shit has been BUSY!! Finally taking the dive, working for myself, taking the bus, striking big deals, making that dolla! WHO HAS THE TIME?! I am making it work in big ways though, and its about to get BIG! I finally had the chance, thanks to a new friend, who dragged me out of the house and got me back on my streets, to do some wandering around! Starbucks in hand, I arrived at my humble abode, nearing the last time I will arrive there, I hit the parking deck with the dog and the roommate, and got my spark back after having felt empty for a little while! Miraculously, I stumbled across this little message on my walk to the house from the bus stop. And that's how it started!
While on the Lower 4th Level, I was able to catch views of the neighborhood I had not seen before.
Anyone in Richmond, has noticed that this metropolis is more of a ghost town... especially after business hours, and everywhere you look, if you look enough, you will see reminders of the promise of a good life. If you sell yourself to corporate America, as I have, you will be met with luxury, and security.
Until it all ends!!
Fortunately for me, I find peace and comfort in riverside sunsets, graffiti, and skyline views!! Love it or hate it, thrive or die, Richmond is MY CITY, and I want to be no where else!!

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