Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Public Pools and Shipping Containers

On Sunday we went to the Randolph Community pool for some basic fun in the sun. Being that it was the last Sunday of the water recreation season, I got my bake on and headed to the pool. Jumping straight into the deep end, childhood fears, of intestine sucking drains came rushing back, sending me into a frantic shriek. It was at that time, I noticed the long forgotten safety bulletin- clearly addressing this very issue.
It is clear that the child depicted in this neglected poster, is having his/ her guts sucked right out via evil gateway to hell, known as the pool drain... I LEAPT out of the  pool and consulted my associates about the likelihood/ reality of such an event... It was the next day, quietly working the holiday away, when I check my facebook to find this story, splayed ALL OVER MY NEWSFEED!! Unsuspecting Child, Violently Gets Guts Sucked out, In Viscous Pool Drain Attack Now that i knew this tragic senseless activity was in- fact occurring in local neighborhood pools, much like the one in your own backyard, I had to go!! 

Running through the thick forest, filthy streets, and dingy alleys of the River City, making my bold escape from certain Randolph Community Pool death, I stumbled into some abandoned shipping containers... with dark messages of despair, and times forgotten in an isolated corner of our lost village.

 I was fortunate enough to find a nice alley in the VCU area, with plenty of nooks and crannies to throw off the trail of the rapidly approaching pool drain. And a safe shelter in a pile of empty beer cases. 

 Now that I was finally safe from the attack of the pool drain, I felt it would be cool to go home, and get ready for cupcakes!... Which didn't come till the next day... Good thing I was able to get a rest in!

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